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    E rarau e te iti, e rarau e te rahi, ki te pae takuahi o Ata Rawea.


    Ko te ataarangi o Rangi, o Papa, o ngā tūpuna kua riro ki tua o paemahara, e ātā mai ana ki te pātū o tōku whare. He whare kōrero, he whare wānanga o te mouri taketake ki te whenua nei ki Whanganui, ki Taranaki, ki Manawatū hoki. Kei matara, kei mamao ngā kupu ohaoha o te nehenehe nui. He whai kupu ki te waha o uri, he ora a tupua, he ora a tawhito. E rarau, e rarau. 

    Welcome to Reo Kōrero a Moodle based Learning Management System (LMS) created to assist in growing te Reo Māori within schools, communities and Iwi. There are three current projects connected to Atarawea. The first is Te Ahu o te Reo ki te Taiuru, which focuses on everyday reo use in education settings. The second is Mounga Reo a course available for uri of Taranaki Iwi to strengthen reo proficiency in informal and formal settings. The third is Te Ataarangi that builds professional capability among rohe for their immersion programmes.

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